11 definitions by max nova

When you have an awful case of "swamp ass" and suddenly have the urge to take a dump. Right before you drop trow, you let a couple of farts out into the air. These farts are wet and disastrously foul in odor and have permeated from deep in the bowels. More often than not, they will cause anyone in the vicinity, sometimes even the guilty party to vomit due to the sheer and utter nauseating, horrid and atrocious stench that has emanated from a overly moist, raw and chafed ass.
1. After going out for a run on a hot day, i felt nature calling, but before I could get to the john, I served up some damp pork.
2. As bad as my rash had gotten from the awful case of swamp ass I was experiencing, I had the sudden urge to take a dump, but not before I expelled some damp pork.
3. Oh dear god, you're a sweaty disgrace and that damp pork expelling from your messy ass is making me sick, take a dump already!
by max nova July 4, 2009
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When you've had such a terrible bout with some extremely explosive diarrhea. The kind in which no toilet paper or wet wipes could do you an ounce of help.

1. You head to the shower and turn the faucet on. Prop yourself underneath with your legs up on the wall and let the forceful water from the faucet completely douse your ass crack and nether regions for a complete cleansing.
2. You turn your back to the sink, turn the faucet on and continually splash the water on your ass crack and nether regions completely cleansing any shrapnel or remnants of the disaster.
(Hand soap can be used in either scenario for extra cleansing)
After returning home from a Wing Fest, I had such an awful case of explosive diarrhea that a roll of tissue paper was not going to suffice, my only saving grace was to partake in a reverse bidet and douche my nether regions.
by max nova July 3, 2009
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The large hidden belly or second stomach that is found protruding from a shrew's pants just below the belt. This expansive secondary belly is usually quite large and dough-like and when seated it looks like a large balloon is being kept in their pants. Commonly referred to as a "bunt" or a "fupa", the difference is that "Shrew's Gold" refers to the likeness however it belongs to a hideous witchlike female, also known as a shrew.
When Mrs. B was tightening her belt, Arthur told her to cinch it between her belly and her shrew's gold.
When Matilda began overeating, she stated that once her stomach became too large, the extra pounds started to form in her second belly which she referred to as her shrew's gold.
by max nova June 3, 2012
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A person who knows everything and can't be told otherwise. Their stories can be old or exaggerated and can sometimes contain a morsel of truth. They often interrupt your story to tell their story because they have to be heard and can tell stories better than you. They are thirsty for attention and are known for diarrhea of the mouth. They also thrive at topping whatever you say. There is nothing that you can say or do that they haven't seen, heard or done. Simply stated, "They Know Everything"
1. Mother Goose has nothing on Rusty Mekateen, she's to fairytale-ish.
2. A grandfather was sitting around telling stories of what he has seen in all his years on this planet and the kids were really interested until little Johnny pulled a Rusty Mekateen and caught everyones attention.
3. When it came time to pick people for Trivial Pursuit, Petey asked who could best portray Rusty Mekateen.
4. Harry thought he had won the debate until I pulled a rusty mekateen and blew him away.
by max nova July 4, 2009
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