4 definitions by martini attack

page rape

When 2 or more people make multiple replies to a comment/status update on a facebook page that doesn't belong to either of them.

The amount of rapidfire wordplay and oneupmanship can be intimidating for onlookers.

It is often the case during page rape that the owner of the page is unaware of the occurance, until they go to check their email/facebook hours later, finding a barage of reponses often completely unrelated to the original post.
OMG, you guys totally just page raped me! I only updated my status to say that i like sandwiches.
by martini attack September 8, 2009
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Just Checking

A phrase that is said during the action of slipping a finger or two between the legs of a woman. This happens during foreplay to check for moisture in order to make sure she is as aroused as her breathing/dirty talk/writhing around would have one assume.

It is preferable that eye contact between both parties is maintained during the 'Just Checking' process.
'you look so hot right now'
*slips hand between legs to find moisture*
'just checking'
by martini attack September 3, 2009
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A term used to describe a pretty girl who often makes dumb remarks.

Said girl is often found on the arm of a muscley hetero.
I didnt have time to go to the gym today. Instead i'm gonna go home to pump my dumbelle and hope that she doesn't talk too much shit.
by martini attack September 5, 2009
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Really Relaxed

A phrase used to justify the faux pas that is falling asleep during sex.

It bares no relation to the effort or technique displayed by the other party. The falling asleep is usually out of character and is the result of weeks of burning the candle at both ends.
Muscley Hetero: yeh baby, d'ya like that?

Ali: Zzzzzz

Muscley Hetero: baby? Oh.My.God.

Ali:*wakes up*

urgh, i wasn't sleeping, i was just really relaxed.
by martini attack September 7, 2009
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