12 definitions by mark palmer

the best thing on the face the earth.....if the earth had a face...which it might.....and if it does it prolly looks like a tin of skoal.....fuk'n right
skoalllll rocks
by mark palmer March 16, 2004
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jamal..wheres your horn?
by mark palmer March 16, 2004
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somebody who thinks that they are black when in fact they are white
......AKA mark palmer
mark palmer is a wigga
by mark palmer March 16, 2004
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a very sluty old wrinkly whore that gets by in life by fuking anything and everything that walks talks breathes or is living..or that is visible by the naked eye
got her palmer's mom off 100 times with one lick
by mark palmer March 16, 2004
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a girl with an extremely large underbyte who everyone is convinced dipps smokeless tobacco
ya.....i had a dip with skoal last nite....she had a whole log to herself
by mark palmer March 16, 2004
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