5 definitions by lolol896

i have no idea what fhwqwgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf means
fhwqwgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf sake
by lolol896 December 19, 2016
Get the fhwqwgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf mug.
a word that confuses people.

it looks like a bunch of random words
Eyjafjallajökull wtf does that mean
by lolol896 December 20, 2016
Get the Eyjafjallajökull mug.
the game that anybody or phyco can play and its very satisfying
lets play Yandere Simulator i want to kill some bitches
by lolol896 December 23, 2016
Get the Yandere Simulator mug.