52 definitions by led zeppole

A sarcastic expression often used by management when referring to marginal employees.
Which paragons of rocket science do we have on the schedule today?
by led zeppole November 20, 2003
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When something that began successfully ends in disappointment. Derived from The Matrix: Revolutions, the title of the disappointing final sequel to The Matrix, one of the finest and most influential films of the 90's.
Kevin's relationship with Sue started out great, but after a few weeks it matrix revolutioned and they broke up.


Britney Spears was very popular a couple of years ago, but her career has since matrix revolutioned.
by led zeppole November 11, 2003
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1. A highly addictive natural fiber, once grown in enormous quantities on vast plantations in the pre-Civil War South.

2. It's "OxyContin," you idiot...
Drug lords have found a brilliant way to get Americans of all ages addicted to oxycotton; spin it into threads and use it to manufacture comfortable shirts and blouses!
by led zeppole October 2, 2004
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A badge of shame worn by the low-paid, low-skilled workers at retail stores like Wal-Mart, Sam's Club and Home Depot. The smocks worn by employees of these stores are usually covered in advertising. They are also usually filthy. Source of the term smock job.
If you need to find a salesperson at Wal-Mart, just look for a nasty, big-assed white trash woman in stretch pants and a dirty smock. When you speak to her, you can put money on it that she will call you "hon."
by led zeppole March 19, 2004
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Underwear for the extremely obese, those who make the earth tremble when they walk.
See also thunderbra, thunderthong, thunderpants.
Three hundred and fifty pound Herb's thunderwear was big enough to cover the infield at Yankee Stadium.
by led zeppole October 27, 2003
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Spiking a drink with laxative; a perennial laff.
When Mike wasn't looking, I cruelaided his beer. He's been in the head for over an hour now...
by led zeppole October 27, 2003
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A common 21st century request women get from their men.

See also wood floor.
You: Hey, honey, it would be a major turn on if you shave it.

Her: Shave what?

You: You know what...
by led zeppole November 12, 2003
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