4 definitions by kokichisleftleg

A natural habitat for neckbeards who live in their mom's basements. They're usually really ableist and racist and sexist lol.
Oh my god you use reddit! poggers whoelsome 100 doge funny
by kokichisleftleg October 11, 2020
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literally the greatest partner in the world so cute and cool
p1: dude theyre so amazing
p2: ik theyre such a xenon
by kokichisleftleg April 12, 2021
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A guy that ruins every song.
who in da hell put da muffins in da freezer
tiagz ddi. whatchu gona do about it. nothin
by kokichisleftleg October 11, 2020
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person A: *meme*
person B: 😂
person A: *blocked
by kokichisleftleg January 10, 2021
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