26 definitions by kirupa

The happening place to catch up on the latest films with your friends. Overpriced snacks are available as well.
I am totally going early to the filmotheque tonight so that I can get great seats to see the new Twilight film.
by kirupa March 7, 2012
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The epic battle between Instagram and Twitter on who can annoy their users more.
Forget the fiscal cliff or the Middle East or Justin Bieber. If somebody (Batman?) doesn't intervene in instatwittageddon, the world as we know it is over.
by kirupa December 9, 2012
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Having the color of purple
Barney is a purpular dinosaur that has "enriched" the lives of many children and their parents.
by kirupa April 10, 2013
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An intraterrestrial life form that demands oxygen, water, and food for survival.
Now, I am not a speciest or anything, but I wish all of the eartians would just go back to where they came from.
by kirupa December 9, 2012
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A mathematical relationship that states the following: When two entities of awesomeness come into contact with each other, the result is something super-awesome that is the square of the total awesomeness each one brought individually.
When Batman and Superman combined forces to fight evil, the awesome square law went into effect and created an unstoppable force of good.

Other examples of the Awesome Square Law include:
1. Kenan and Kel
2. Simon and Garfunkel
3. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson
4. Karl Malone and John Stockton
5. Bert and Ernie
by kirupa February 5, 2013
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