4 definitions by kaolin fire

1. The need to let others know how self-important one is.
That kid's got a lot of ambition. Keep your distance unless you want to hear about his latest project for three hours.
by kaolin fire November 11, 2008
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To proceed with increasing caution, esp. when measuring (cutting, pouring, etc.) such that each new amount is half-way closer to your goal.
I kept zenoing that last pour of flour! It took forever to get it just right and start mixing!
by kaolin fire September 8, 2016
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1. v; Hypernunciate(transitive), Hypernunciated(past tense), Hypernunciating (present-tense).

a. To exaggerate your enunciation (speech) so that even speech-to-text systems can understand you.
It's a little embarrassing to hypernunciate at my phone on the walk to work, but it's the only way I can be productive during that time.

I've been using speech-to-text software too long; I'm starting to hypernunciate at my co-workers.
by kaolin fire October 3, 2012
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An exhausted and/or frustrated sigh; origin: onomotopoeic (a deflating of the chest through loosely connected lips; not to be confused with the much more upbeat raspberry)
by kaolin fire August 8, 2008
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