3 definitions by kallisti discordia

Used most effectively when someone pissed you off. Can slip it into a sentence and say what you really mean, while seeming quite innocent and nice.

The pointy bit is a hat, the squiggly bit is an ass.

Ass + hat.

You're calling someone an asshat.
Love you! <3

Translation: Love you! (asshat).
by kallisti discordia January 3, 2016
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Jim-Bob - Everyone's...dead *hangs head*
Mary - Wait...no they're not - THEY'RE GETTING UP AGAIN!
Billy - It's the end of the world!
Mary - It's the zombiocalypse!
by kallisti discordia March 25, 2014
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a gamer, usually a socially awkward male, who romances female npcs in online games where npc romancing is available, such as SWTOR.
Question) If a guy playing a girl character romances a female npc, is it lesbian, straight, or some kind of awkward crossdressing encounter?

Correct Answer) I think it makes them a mmosexual.
by kallisti discordia September 14, 2011
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