39 definitions by jtron 3000

When you go your favorite late nite fast food joint after a night of binge drinking and order random number combo meals. It's always a surprise, and if the order sucks throw it at the person at the drive-thru.
"Let's hit Taco Smell(Bell) and play some drunken roulette."
by jtron 3000 April 30, 2003
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A sight so sexually stimulatin that it could raise the dead.
"Look at that stripper shooting ping-pong balls from her hairy scar, that is a grandad erector."
by jtron 3000 October 4, 2003
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The sweaty, stinky, vagina of a fat chick in the summer.
"Look at that bulbus monstrosity, bet she's sportin' a sweatn' nettn'."
by jtron 3000 April 16, 2003
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A scary hand job from a woman with extremely long fingernails.
"She scared the shit out of me with those kruger nails on my cock."
by jtron 3000 October 4, 2003
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To grow a tail, take a dump, to light the bum cigar.
"Who went to Cuba, there's a huge havana in the shitter."
by jtron 3000 October 6, 2003
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