16 definitions by johnyhoff

before he was president he started out in the national gaurd and then quikly moved to the oil buisnness where he did realy poorly in and often drove all his companys in the ground. Bush then decide he would try and do better in politics.when he became govenor of texas he became famous for destroying the education system he also met with taliban representives to discuss oil most likely. Other then that he didnt do much as govenor. when he became president the first thing that happened to the nation was the the biggest ression since the great depression.
then after 9/11 he invaded afghanstan with only 15,000 troops although the army was succesfull in getting the tailiban out of afghanstan it failed in acheving its primary objective and that was to capture Osma binladen. Smart and itelligent people and exspecialy the Democrats pointed out that afghanstan was a failure. Most americans though were just happy to see the U.S win another war. This would be one of the many factors bush would use to his advantage in his political campain even though the mission in afghanstan was incomplete. Any president would have done the same and could have made the same mistake but what bush did next ripped the country apart. Without permission of the U.N and the support of france,germany and every other country with a modern army except britian an intionaly spain(who eventuly pulled out).The iraq army was easly deafeted and no wmds were found even worse the 30,000 that had gone in were not enough thus the army activated it reserve and gaurd units who were ill prepaired. the occupation went from bad to worse and many americans and an uncounted Iraqis have perished. After bush had won re-election runnig on the same powerfull political machine the republicans he moved election dates up in Iraq by himself with that same stubborn attitude with succesful results.He also is currently thinking of getting rid of an economic safety net called social securty and turning it into an investmen plan where people have to go it alone in the stock market to make money when they retire. Although it sounds like a good idea its been pointed out that learnig to invest is realy hard and something based on luck another thing his britian did this in the 80,s and now have the worse pension plans in the world.
none needed.read about the great deprsesion if want to see why its not a good idead to have people investing who shouldnt.
by johnyhoff March 5, 2005
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a man who makes me sick i have a military mind and when i herd he sent 15,000 to afghanstan i new it wasent enough to complete the entire mission and i was right although he defeated an easy to kill tailiban army he was unable to kill most of its top leaders exspecially osma.then he decided to invade iraq with a mere 30,000 and take it over and occupy it. when his dumbass figured out 30,000 wasent enough he brought in many reserve units who were not as well trained. although many died in war for oil he was still happy that he was able to pull off what no one else had ever done, and that was to takeover iraq before the U.N sanctions would force the goverment to change its way without american involvement or bloodshed. To him 1,500 dead is satisfactory to him but was it necsary?there were no WMD's there just lies,and saddam had no links to terrorists.the saddam we captured was not the same saddam donald rumsfeld shook hands with in the 80,s. it was a saddam who never had a chance a saddam who ruled iraq in fear of his own people because of several assination attempts,it wasent the saddam we thought it would be, no, it was the saddam bush,colin powel,every neo-conservitive made him to be.in afghanstan bush was like hitler at denmark and in iraq he was like half the brain his father was.
read about napleons occupation in egypt or about hitler descion to stop before his army reached denmark. build your knowledge then with that knowledge of the past youl be able to see that bushes decions in the present are and will be wrong.
by johnyhoff March 4, 2005
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a political party that was orignaly anti-slavery when founded in the mid 1800s. Republicans cut taxes so they can stop spending on programs that look after the welfare of the poor and the middle class.Many conservitives argue that this spurs buisnes growth and helps the stock market and trade between nations grow.The problem is that tax cuts are just helping that side of the econmy grow without acounting for the other which results in smaller buisnesses getting crushed leading to a reduction in wages.When this happens the workers earn less income causing the standard of living to go down. when the standard of living gos down there is less investment for the future since public funding for schools are bringing in less revenue due to tax cuts causing those who cant afford private schools to go to public schools that arent funded well enough by the goverment to maintain a certain standard like getting kids to graduate or makeing a school drug free.When this happens public schools start closeing and the students who cant afford private schools just sell drugs or join gangs(or join a wal-mart since all the small buisneses have closed due to taxcuts).Republicans are also Racesist
to many tax cuts im gonna sell drugs,ya na mean if the goverment isnt gonna help me and jobs aint paying good enough i mine as well provide for myself anyway i can.
by johnyhoff March 13, 2005
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a conservitive women who wrote a book called "How to talk to a Liberal if you must".Its a pretty easy book to read and it doesent come up with any new political ideas or things that are revalutionary instead it just bashes democrats like Hitler bashed the jews,gypsys,soviets,blacks,ect in his book mein kampf.it is not uncommon for a conservitive to make slandours remarks about a political party(Aberham lincon used to this alot untill he was chalenged to a duel by a political oppenet then he became "honest abe"). this conservitive women also seems to be consumed by her own ideas or her conservitive viewpoint she either has a an extremely large EGO or and extremly large Super Ego. i suggest she sees a therapist(shes crazy)
read mein kampf and then read her book
by johnyhoff March 4, 2005
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devlops durring the ages of (3-4).becomes part of the unconscious and sensors the EGO implementing moral values into the descions we make so we dont use pathalogical behavior to get what we want.the super Ego is formed by the childs parrents emphisis on what is wrong and what is right. the super Ego is stronger in boys because of "castration anxiety" or the fact that the father is to the male child a big authority figure. girls usuly have a small super ego and are more Ego-tystical then boys because of "penis envy",and less disapline by the father figure is present since the female child does not have oeddipus issues.the super ego in some people never devlop and if it is not present at all that person becomes a maglomaniac.a healthy psyche(rare to find) is balanced.
(females pysche at work)-weak super Ego
girl:im rich and i vote republican
because it helps me and i dont mind if it hurts others,and if some one gotta a problem then fuck those bastards.(sortive like that bitch ann coulter)
(although girls tend to block off other needs so they can be greedy it still causes emotional problems for them so they feel guilty alot.
(male pysche at work)strong super ego
boy:i guess ill vote democrat its the right thing to do,i mean even though im rich i should sacerfice some things for others even though it may hurt me a little.(although conscious of what they are doing knowing that it may not bennift them boys tend to feel good about there descions since in the past there parrents would have rewarded them for a good moral descion who play more of a role in male pysche).these exmples explain why females have more emotional problems then men although a male minorty may suffer from more problems(then a male whos not a minorty) it usualy because racism hurts there self-a-steam.weak social conditions can also damage the male psyche a good example is a pimp may never have been through the oeddipus stages because there father was in jail.with out the father figure in the pimps life he usuly has a hard time showing compasion towards females since the pimps mother was the parrent autharian figure who he would conflict with.thus when the mother is domminant in the males super ego the male may become a pimp or somebody who is unable of showing effection and loves material things like women do.
by johnyhoff February 28, 2005
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a part of the mind that starts to devlop when humans are 3-4 and doesent completly stop devloping till adault hood(in some people it never devlops at all).it primary function is to opperate unconscously supervising the Ego makeing sure we make decscions where we consider the welfare of others. usuly men have a larger super ego and girls have a smaller one but nothing is universal.
hitler had no super ego
republicans have no super ego(joke)
the reason for more emotional problems in girls is because of a smaller super ego.
bush you could say has a small super ego.
Democrats may have a large or good super ego because they have good morale values(helping the poor advicateing for civil rights).
jesus must have had a large super Ego he didnt dis anybody he just helped people for what he beilieved in.
by johnyhoff March 4, 2005
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his devloped in the mind and remains unconcious is full of parents morale values and society devlops at an early age so most of it is parrent morale values.is used to censor the Ego in descion makeing.girls usualy have a smaller super Ego due to being jelous of boys at an ealy age and since their not as close to parrents.boys usualy have a large super Ego because of their ealy on obsession with there mother.
some one with a small super ego has emotional problems or is egotystical
by johnyhoff March 11, 2005
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