3 definitions by jeffermac

Those things that drive across fields and wipeem right clean.
Holy shit! There’s like 3 field zamboni’s doing that field over there! I guess that’s the end of the 2nd period!
by jeffermac August 28, 2019
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Houschee or, in Europe, Housche (pronounced 'WHO-SHEE')

A Beave (vajayjay) that is in a state of wild, uncontrolled, untamed disorder; unkempt, unshaven, untrimmed, unmaintained. Basically a messy, hairy twat.
N. I was all jacked to get w/her, but when we got neked I was grossed out to see that she had a Houschee.

Adj. Thanks for dumping out the lego on the floor asshole - you just Houschee'd it all up.

Adv. Who's going to clean up the Lego Houschee?

V. I just Houschee'd his hair all up.

Prop. N. I can't even call you a messy slob, cuz, truth be told, you're a straight-up Houschee.
by jeffermac September 9, 2011
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Large Scraping-type machine used mostly in Canada for clearing foot-deep snow every winter morning off the ice-packed, pothole-laden roads.
Fu cryin out loud! Did you hear that Road Zamboni this morning?! Sounded like he was doing the living room eh! What time was that...like 4:30?!!
by jeffermac August 11, 2019
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