3 definitions by jeeeeeahhhh

A job or hobby where someone searches and finds an individual who is in desperate need of a hug, and then hugs them.
PJ had way too much food at dinner and doesn't feel well. I think a hug from the Bounty Hugger will make him feel better! I hope.
by jeeeeeahhhh July 17, 2010
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A job or hobby where someone searches and finds an individual who is in desperate need of a hug, and then hugs them.
PJ had way too much food at dinner and doesn't fell well. I think a hug from the Bounty Hugger will make him feel better! I hope.
by jeeeeeahhhh July 17, 2010
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when your taint smells so foul that someone makes a formal complaint to the local authorities.
Man, Martin's taint smelled so bad that Jenny filed a taint complaint to the police department. I think he is serving 5 to 10!
by jeeeeeahhhh July 17, 2009
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