5 definitions by jameson tic tac


Ollie 7.1.
by jameson tic tac December 11, 2019
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beady boi

Also known as Tayler Gage

Your local skinny boi, whos plays pc all day everyday
Tayler your such a beady boi !
by jameson tic tac December 9, 2019
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Big Head Tea Drinkers
The best band in the world go check them out on soundcloud, itunes, spotify and pornhub
Wow BHTD are my favourite band
by jameson tic tac December 11, 2019
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Big Head Fred

Its in the name just a guy who has a fat off scull
by jameson tic tac December 9, 2019
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also known as tayler gage

your local skinny boi who plays pc all day everyday and whos is just there
tayler your looking very beady today.
your so beady!
by jameson tic tac December 9, 2019
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