2 definitions by jakeishere

Inspiring awe in some even while being characterized by others inclined to dislike him/her/it/them as "full of himself/herself/itself/themselves" or "smug."
Dante Shepherd, creator of the chalkboard based webcomic "Surviving the World," is amazing, awesome, and full of himself. He is awesmug.
by jakeishere September 29, 2010
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A small nod of the head, done repetitively in synchronization with music. Denotes approval of music by the listener. Performed at concerts by concert-goers, or while listening to music by the listener.

Substituted for dancing by hipsters, who are too cool to dance.
Andy: Dude, how was the DFA1979 show?
Brad: Great, except for all the douches doing the hipster head bob. I just wanted to get down!
by jakeishere March 8, 2011
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