24 definitions by jackson

When having anal sex, you slap them in the face, cum in their ear and mix it with the wax hence creating banana cream pie. then you take a dump in their mouth, forcing them to eat the before mentioned "banana cream pie"
by jackson March 30, 2005
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someone who is the group bitch and does whatever anyone tells them to do, like pussy only much worse
that guy is such a damn pussy willow
by jackson September 1, 2004
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A bag or marijuana worth $10, intended to be smoked in a single smoking session.
Let's pick up a dimebag to smoke before class
by jackson December 3, 2003
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"Poppins" was a word from 'old-time' English, removed from the dictionary by the US Government in a conspiracy against the native English Language. It was once used as an adjective, and described pleasurable or nice things.
"I just got a waxymiggins off some chick last night, it was totally poppins!"

Jackson: "Did you see the film last night?"
Jon: "Yeah, it was totally poppins!"
by jackson October 4, 2004
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In popular slang, any word that begins with sh or the sh sound.
"Fo shizzle" (For Sure)
"Look at this shiz(zle)" Shit
by jackson July 25, 2003
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A girl who is so ugly, it looks as though her face caught fire and was consequently put with a chain.
Did you see that wilderbeast Chris was with last night? She was a real chain-face
by jackson December 3, 2003
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