14 definitions by jack daniels 2011

A place where advanced homosexuals live.
What I liked about San Francisco, as opposed to Baltimore, is that the homosexuals don't walk around like nymphomaniacs.
by jack daniels 2011 October 29, 2011
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A language related to ebonics, but spoken only by nonblack homosexuals.
Because I don't know Hemonics, I couldn't understand the homosexual when he gave me a toothy grin.
by jack daniels 2011 December 12, 2011
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I made a move for her rear end, but she said "Mitsubishi!"
by jack daniels 2011 October 30, 2011
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The sideways talker asked me what date it is instead of reminding me I had a deadline coming up.
by jack daniels 2011 October 22, 2011
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A life assumer assumes everything you do is about him or her.
I was having sex with my girlfriend, and my gay roommate, who is a life assumer, said, "You're not enjoying that; you're just doing that to make fun of me."
by jack daniels 2011 October 25, 2011
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A sexassumer thinks everything you do is about sex.
The sexassumer gave me a twat block, even though we totally were not hitting on each other.
by jack daniels 2011 October 24, 2011
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