2 definitions by its ry <3

Bass's are always sweet and super smart. He always tries to make someone happy and it always works. He is super tall and plays football. He is the boy-next-door type of guy and all of the guys are jealous of his amazing style. Did I mention he's super cute?
Girl 1: 'WOAH.... Look at Bass!'
Girl 2: 'I know right! He is so cute and sweet.'
by its ry <3 November 17, 2020
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Rhia is GORGEOUS and every girl is jealous of her. Always smiles a friendly smile towards even strangers. She is super kind and will probably win prom queen. Rhia is soooo pretty and any guy that gets her is the luckiest guy on Earth.
Guy 1: Wow, look at her.
Guy 2: You men Rhia? I'm so lucky she's mine.
by its ry <3 November 17, 2020
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