19 definitions by infiniti

your dick, when you are holding onto it with one hand, like it was a gun or an implement of destruction and aiming it at an orifice waiting to be violated.
I took my cockpiece out and jammed it directly into my girlfriend's swollen cock throat without hesitation. She's a whore.
by infiniti August 16, 2003
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Laughing as I fuck you in the ass.

Similar to lol lmao and rofl but only phaggotass phaggots say rofl because no one has ever actually rofled after anything, especially if you're sitting in a dark rhume diddling your taintpipe. It's just for attention-starved asswipes who can't coin there own stimulating, creative acronyms like me.
Pony Boy: laifuita

Fucklife: lafluida. Hey Karen, wanna make some apple butter? We can start by skraping my taint and bare spot, because as everyone knows, I have no balls and am wasting my life with a ridiculous, conflicted tease who would rather take satisphaction from leading someone down a dark and windy road of celibacy than engage in the most basic, necessary functions of life. Fucking for christ sake. I'M NEVIR GETING LADE!!! WHERE'S MY KOOKING SHOW!!

Shitwad: la-looooooool!!

Pony Boy: ¡VIVE LA LOL!

Shitwad: ho-HUH!

Pony Boy: GTFOH!
by infiniti April 4, 2005
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1. someone who fails to let people merge onto the expressway safely or fails to properly merge themselves.

2. someone on a road where two lanes merge into one, who speeds up to not let the car ahead of them in from the other lane, or speeds up from the right lane to cut in front of the cars traveling at safe distances apart in the left lane.

3. masturbating while merging onto the expressway.
Look at these people, not letting me over. Bunch of merjerks!!

Wow, look at this merjerk coming from behind to cut me off. He'd rather drive me off the road than have me in front of him....unbelievable.

Whew! I love a good merjerk... really eases the stress of driving around town.
by infiniti March 19, 2009
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a pussy that is pooped
I had so much sex, my OBGYN told me to stop for awhile because I have a shitpussy. Man, my pussy is pooped, time to move on the my ass. Plus guy's dig a par three.
by infiniti August 16, 2003
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The adjective representing the abbreviated pronunciation of "that's awesome" or "it's awesome" which is not only easier to say but zawsum.
Chap A: "I can't believe how good the bands were last night. I think it tops the list of shows I've been to."

Chap B: "Zawsum."
by infiniti September 1, 2010
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