4 definitions by imdehaas

speaking speedily and uncontrollably because you are either excited, upset, or nervous.
The young man started flabbergabbing when he asked the the head cheerleader out to the prom.
by imdehaas April 5, 2011
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The level of awesome at which someone or something is thought to be on a scale from 1 to 1000.
Joe's Awesomemeter levels took a hit when he accidentally told everyone that he lives in his mom's basement.
by imdehaas October 1, 2011
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The level of failure that just occurred to a person, place or thing.
That was a 88 on the failscale.
by imdehaas October 1, 2011
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An individual who follows others with malicious intent.
The creepler followed the girl home from her job at the diner and waited for her to fall asleep so he could abduct her.
by imdehaas April 5, 2011
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