14 definitions by ihonestlyhavenoidea

More powerful than "No U".
Jimmy: Your mom gay

Bob: No U
Jimmy: *pulls out uno reverse card*
Bob: *freaking dies*
by ihonestlyhavenoidea March 29, 2021
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When you find a shack in the woods and it has some nice sunglasses and looks like a modern shack and find out it's a trap and you lead you family there.
Vincent: Yo I found a shackdrip in the woods!
Overly depressed Bill: You should lead your family there and go inside it!
Vincent: *leads his family into it*
Also Vincent: *is dead*
Vincent's family: *is dead*
by ihonestlyhavenoidea April 22, 2021
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Best two words in the universe. Can easily end a conversation.
Jim: Your mom fat
John: No U
Jim: *dies*
by ihonestlyhavenoidea March 29, 2021
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Some sunglasses that got some dripppppppp
Guy: He has some nice sunglasses
Other guy: Dude those are drip sunglasses!
by ihonestlyhavenoidea March 26, 2021
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