5 definitions by idunnoit

The phrase is an intentionally misspelled "Oh hi" and is usually used as a title on cutesy pictures of animals like on lolcats.

The phrase is often followed by a short, badly spelled sentence as if the animal/subject in the picture is talking to the viewer.

O Hai may also refer to these types of cutsey animal images in general.
Picture of kitten in a stack of business reports.
"O Hai, i am bein yur nu secritary. Get me cofy."
by idunnoit August 19, 2007
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To cheat, deceive, or trick usually through pitiful wheedling or falseness.
He cozened a twenty out of her to buy "gas" for his car that was just down the street. That'll buy a lot of Pabst Blue Ribbon gas!
by idunnoit December 20, 2007
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When someone more famous than you mentions your name or the name of your company/product/etc in public. Kind of the opposite of name dropping.
Ozzy name checked my shop on his reality show for that wrist flame tat I gave him.
by idunnoit January 24, 2009
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Abbreviation for "Losing My Fucking Mind". Used mostly in text communication.
Parents are over for the holidays and I am LMFM!
by idunnoit November 3, 2009
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Name dropping is used to inflate one's stature in a conversation by linking oneself to a famous person or situation. This is sometimes done while talking about something completely different. The names are just "dropped" in there. Some attempts are more subtle than others but it is basically annoying.
I see those hats everywhere now. When I was at the inauguration for Obama they were all over the place. But when I met Rupaul at that charity party last month he said they are on their way out. And good riddance too!

Did you catch the name dropping in that conversation about hats? So subtle...
by idunnoit January 24, 2009
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