2 definitions by iammelina2006

Doralovesbees is a small twitch streamer. She is the best person ever, you can talk to her for hours without getting bored, she can be chaotic and sweet and she is the most amazing person ever
X: hey I'm bored wanna watch something?
Y: Sure doralovesbees is live on twitch lets watch her
Twitch.tv/doralovesbeees <-- follow her
by iammelina2006 December 31, 2022
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Amazing streamer and a friend. You can talk to Dora for hours without getting bored she's the definiton of amazing, great and awesome
X: hey I bought this doralovesbees dress
Y: you mean amazing dress? I agree doralovesbees is awesome
by iammelina2006 December 31, 2022
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