11 definitions by iamapperently88%awesome😱

Spencer Reid is a fictional character from the tv show criminal minds. He can read about 200,000 words at the same time with an Edithc memory. He is also cute
A: spencer Reid is cute

B: who?
A: spencer Reid guy from criminal minds
B: what??
A: *mumbles* never mind I was just gonna say he's awesome
by iamapperently88%awesome😱 March 13, 2020
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Basically the whole civilization of this world
This world is dirty minded.

Oof I'm dirty minded
Ugh ur so dirty minded

Sarah: me and bob had...
Me: what did you have?

Sarah: we had everybody's dream
Me: which is what?
Sarah: SEX!!! Duh
Sarah runs of squealing.
Me: this world is dirty minded
by iamapperently88%awesome😱 March 15, 2020
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Chorus is like many people singing at a same time. in school it is legit he'll you wanna murder the teacher break her neck and just scream at her for taking a kids phone away because oh wow for no reason
Johnny walked to me " we have f**king chorus today" he moaned " noochorus sucks" I moaned
by iamapperently88%awesome😱 March 11, 2020
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Type your definition here...word
Type an example of how it's used in a sentence...word
by iamapperently88%awesome😱 March 14, 2020
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