2 definitions by hykaisy

(adj) Being in a state of euphoria, excitement, or pure bewilderment due to excess intake of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, or other recreational drugs.

Side effects of being dankled include but are not limited to: aggressive stomping, removal of shirt in public, yelling "Dankle! Dankle! Dankle!", vomiting,
Tom was totally dankled last night after the 6 shots of Fireball
by hykaisy April 8, 2015
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An interjection used as an exclamation of joy, exultation, or pure drunkeness (the latter being the most common). Normally yelled in groups of three.
Leroy: "Dankle! Dankle! Dankle!" (after chugging a pint of vodka)
by hykaisy April 8, 2015
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