10 definitions by heero

An attractive, unstoppable force, from the lendary character, Heero Koi. see l33t.
He's such a heero!
by heero March 9, 2003
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A person who has zero or minimal friends. One who isn't usually accepted by the majority of society. A person who has a lower intellect than the "normal" people. YotKon's usually spend most of their lives doing or partaking in one activity.(computers, etc.) A YotKon usually is fairly unattractive and sees this certain activity as a refuge from the "normal" world.
Characteristics: May be pale, unattractive, a bore/freak to "cool/popular" people, girlfriend-less, etc..
That guy is a true YotKon.
by heero March 3, 2004
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This is the sound a llama makes. (syn. Brawwwrr
by heero March 9, 2003
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he is so fetteh
by heero March 9, 2003
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The nanashi swordsman was a mystery to all who beheld him
by heero February 12, 2005
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Synonym of oorgle, another llama noise
Brawwwrr! Oorgle!
by heero March 9, 2003
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Look at her, she's n3kk3d!
by heero March 9, 2003
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