64 definitions by hamghetti...

To hit or throw something really fast.
Dude ! that ball was smoked
by hamghetti... September 25, 2006
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when a ginger kid, low rides so low you can see his pubes out the top.
wow ! thats dirty a ginger kid carrot topping !
by hamghetti... September 29, 2006
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Williamstown is a town by the bay in Melbourne. Its a kool place. It has a beach. It is home to celebrities such as "The Scud" Mark Philipousus the tennis champ. It doesn't smell like Altona. It has a very low bogan count, unlike some surounding suburbs. It has a killer VFL football team. Its homies can often be reffered to as "Towners" or "the Willi boys". See Towners
Man Williamstown is the shizz. It has everything !

Williamstown is a killer place to live dude!!
by hamghetti... September 22, 2006
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Williamstown is a town by the bay in Melbourne. Its a kool place. It has a beach. It is home to celebrities such as "The Scud" Mark Philipousus the tennis champ. It doesn't smell like Altona. It has a very low bogan count, unlike some surounding suburbs. It has a killer VFL football team. Its homies can often be reffered to as "Towners" or "the Willi boys". See Towners
Man Williamstown is the shizz. It has everything !

Williamstown is a killer place to live dude!!
by hamghetti... September 23, 2006
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Williamstown is a town by the bay in Melbourne. Its a kool place. It has a beach. It is home to celebrities such as "The Scud" Mark Philipousus the tennis champ. It doesn't smell like Altona. It has a very low bogan count, unlike some surounding suburbs. It has a killer VFL football team. Its homies can often be reffered to as "Towners" or "the Willi boys". See Towners
Man Williamstown is the shizz. It has everything !

Williamstown is a killer place to live dude!!

by hamghetti... September 21, 2006
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Williamstown is a town by the bay in Melbourne. Its a kool place. It has a beach. It is home to celebrities such as "The Scud" the tennis champ. It doesn't smell like Altona. It has a very low bogan count, unlike some surounding suburbs. It has a killer VFL football team. Its homies can often be reffered to as "Towners" or "the Willi boys".
X: Yo Homie, Where you at ??
Y: I'm In Williamstown, Just chillin.
X: Cool bro, thats ripper
by hamghetti... September 18, 2006
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