11 definitions by gd

To mispronounce names, invent words, or otherwise needlessly meddle with processes or terms in the manner of an overrated computer information technology instructor.
Denise elongated his name, adding three extra letters.
by gd April 4, 2003
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when your balls are bulging out of your pants.
a play on words with 'folger's crystals'
dude's got some serious bulger's crystals goin on!
by gd December 31, 2005
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a word used to refer to any item, place, event, feeling, matter/issue, detail, situation, course of action, idea, etc.
I can't find the thing.
Did you go to the thing?
The thing just got weird.
That's the thing to do.
I have to talk to you about the thing.

by gd January 28, 2003
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A female who is so under the influence of the Dogfather, that she is willing to submit to sexual acts, show her boobs, or do both on "wild" video's. Said hoe may also become 'crew', and perform the same acts for homies of snoop, cause it aint no fun if they cant have none. thus now becoming a groupie of Snoop Dog.
Jillian just wanted to have a little fun at Mardi Gras, next thing she knew she was a snoopy groupie, and giving blimpkins to Snoop and his whole crew. Have you seen the tape?
by gd July 20, 2004
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Woman or man who chased married people, single people, dead people, and people. Often a disease ridden parasite, they enjoy destroying marriages, passing along their latest infection, and screwing whatever walks by.
She is such a slut puppy, she'd do my dog if he would stand still long enough.
by gd February 9, 2005
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1. What up G!?

2. Don't smoke G.
by gd November 29, 2004
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