4 definitions by fukme

A person who puts their head over the toilet and covers it with a towel after their boyfriend takes a steamy dump.
Hey Fred give me a hotmerkle
by fukme November 27, 2022
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A teenage kid who uses slang that makes no sense. Example : when a teenage kid uses the word edgy to describe his parents. When a kid uses the term kringy to describe his parents when they are making out .It also describes my teen age son when he is acting like a bitch.
Why are you being kredgy. Keep your hands off my sandwich you kredgy kid !
by fukme November 10, 2017
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in younger secondary school terms, someone who has perfect uniform.
Em- Omg isnt megan such a boffin, and a T-P
Bex- Yeh, i mean, she always has her shirt tucked in, all the way round too.
by fukme June 5, 2007
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