5 definitions by frameshift

only talking crazy with girls or extremely wanted people on facebook.
facebook spitting- never said anything till facebook. they didn't say anything to me for years we saw each other daily at school. now they spit on me on the facebook.com
by frameshift September 30, 2018
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office space talk, like Yeaaaah, or I need you to come in tommarow , could include listening to rap in your car with windows rolled up, and sure to be rolled up. if someone askes for the stapler to say the swingline is over here.
hes boiling get him his swingline. cut out that ost. ost- referring to the stapler. the building could burn down.
by frameshift September 30, 2018
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a guy that doesn't have anything going for himself no education but has a bmw or worse what looks like one and uses it to get women and they use his bmw to tell themselves they will later get money or they are rich together because of his ride.
also used as that bmw boy aint got nothing on me im hella cool got women friends and could get one any time no need to get a bmw and troll for girls that are car whores.
that bmw boy is a joke that's all he has.
by frameshift September 30, 2018
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typical type of person who wants to be a locksmith security guard or police , often times computer literate or even hacker. wbas often times want locksmiths to unlock or learn to unlock electronics. locksmith wants the wba to teach him how also. they are often stuck.
wba - wanna be authority.... that guy sitting in the lock shop has me mad, hes watching what I want to watch. he sees my key and is upsetting me does he have a copy.
by frameshift September 30, 2018
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Anything to do with Basketball, Sneakers, or Rap even if its with White people. Rockstars usually exhibit wiggaphobia.

all the way down to not liking the white people who do the same thing as the African. rap, Basketball, Big rims.
Country western people are nearly all wiggaphobic. but there are a few who have another half life in the ghetto so you never know who you are dealing with. are horses wiggaphbic?

wiggaphobia - not liking people who exhibit the ghetto like Speakers and big rims or Rap.
by frameshift August 30, 2018
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