13 definitions by flyn hawaiin

Describes the borderline gay things a straight man says, does, watches, or thinks. Someone who may not be a homo, but almost.
"James is watching the Bachelor"

"Is he Gay?"

"No, but he is Ho-most"
by flyn hawaiin January 17, 2010
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The unnecessary frequent updates on social sites like Facebook, generally written by people who assume others want to know what they had for lunch or where they are now as opposed to the update 3 minutes ago.
dan's twitter littering again . he just posted "eating lunch now, the spaghetti here's not bad...."
by flyn hawaiin July 22, 2009
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When someone, whose job is in hospitality, has had enough of being nice and tells the customer what they really think.

Usually followed by grabbing a beer and exiting in dramatic fashion.
The crew member let a stewardiss rip over the cabin speaker system before grabbing a beer and exiting the plane.
by flyn hawaiin August 15, 2010
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An adjective or verb showing how serious you are about something. If you are willing to "Sharpie" something, you are making it permanent.
James: "Are we gonna be able to get together this week?"
Seth: "Yep."
James: "Are you sure?"
Seth: "Dude, I Sharpied you in!"

1: "I am so in love with that girl!"
2: "You always say that"
1. "This time...I am Sharpie serious!!"
by flyn hawaiin November 9, 2011
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An over-rated NBA "superstar" who will never be the greatest (Gold) like the one and only Jordan, or even an accomplished runner up (Silver) like a Kobe or Magic or Bird.
Taking his talents to South Beach, LeBronze just couldn't bring home the Gold.
by flyn hawaiin June 13, 2011
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An over-rated NBA "superstar" who will never be the greatest (Gold) like the one and only Jordan, or even an accomplished runner up (Silver) like a Kobe or Magic or Bird.
Taking his talents to South Beach, LeBronze just couldn't bring home the Gold.
by flyn hawaiin June 13, 2011
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