5 definitions by flipmcf

To perform a one-time edit a text file, usuially a set of organized data, by hand.

Usuially used as the alternative to writing a script or program to reach the same goal.

Frequently used when one decides that programming a disposable script and running it is more time consuming than just doing it by hand.
<geek1> This file needs some occurances of 'foo' replaced by 'bar', and I'm not sure how to write a script to do it.
<geek2> how about hiring someone at minimum wage to do a meat edit for you?

See also adidas protocol
by flipmcf July 31, 2005
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The manual coordination of software developers that occurs when two or more software developers work on the same file at the same time without a proper versioning / branching system.

Opposed to the automated 'merge' feature of many versioning systems.
Management did not grant you a branch for your project. Therefore, you must have a meeting with Bob The Developer to meat merge your code changes into his changes on the main branch.
by flipmcf April 12, 2007
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A non-existant file transfer protocol for times when a network is unavaiable, or filesystems are incompatable.

Always involves manually carrying a storage medium (floppy disk, CD, etc) from one computer to another containing the data to transfer.

Also known as 'sneaker protocol'
<managment> I need to have this .pdf file delivered to marketing on the 3rd floor but my email is not working!

<tech support> Have you tried adidas protocol?
by flipmcf July 31, 2005
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<geek1>HELP! My Internet is broken and I NEED to find a copy of BSG EP1

<geek2>Use the adidas protocol - go to blockbuster d00d.
by flipmcf September 13, 2005
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Also Known As the "Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister"
Perl programmers don't know Python.
Python programmers despise Perl Programmers.
Ne'er the twain shal meet.
by flipmcf December 19, 2006
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