11 definitions by ffhk1

Another boring power metal band with a singer that sounds like his nuts are caught in a vice. They would be a great band with a real singer. Just too bad to see these talented musicians with such a terrible singer.
Waaaaah! I'm screaming like I have my nuts in a vice! -singer of dragonforce
by ffhk1 May 19, 2006
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the race in world of warcraft played mostly by noobs, little kids, and chinese gold farmers. if you happen to be horde and on a pvp server, corpse camp them as much as possible because they don't deserve to play the game for picking such a lame looking race.
haha i corpse camped that night elf so much that he logged out and deleted his charecter then killed himself. i rock.
by ffhk1 June 16, 2006
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Chronchitis is bronchitis you get after smoking marijuana nonstop for a long ass time, like when youre stoned all week then you got chronchitis. Symptoms include excessive nasty sounding coughs, and haziness. Cure: lay off the bud for a few days.
God damn dude we shouldn't half smoked that whole lid at once, I think i got chronchitis.
by ffhk1 May 29, 2004
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Getting together with friends and getting stoned and doing mind expanding drugs. Generally on a friday night or during the weekend, but there are occurences of week day festivities on rare occasions. Good times.
Dude, festivities tonite. Don't forget to hit up tha weed man.
by ffhk1 August 26, 2004
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