5 definitions by etymologycrusader

Radical, tubular, cool, amazing
"Did you see me shred that gnar?"
"Yeah, that was totally noxious, brah".
by etymologycrusader November 30, 2020
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A word made up by people who don't know the difference between etymology (the study of word origins) and entomology (the study of insects).
u/etymologynerd single-handedly destroyed the r/entymology subreddit last year by pointing out that it's not a word.
by etymologycrusader January 1, 2019
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The act of hooking up with a less attractive college girl after midnight because of a lack of other options. It is transactional in nature; there is no sleeping over and it is a one-time occurrence.
"Phil, what'd you do last night"?

"Eh, just a bit of the 2 am shuffle"
by etymologycrusader September 24, 2019
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