3 definitions by erik ud

verb. to babble or propegate nonsensical jargon among peers. The meaning of this word comes from the coutless hours one must spend with Lyndon LaRouche supporters to understand the basic points of LaRouche politics.
Joe- Hey man, did you read that chemistry assignment.
Mark- Yeah, it had nothing to do with the last lecture.
Joe- that prof don't know what he is talkin about.
Mark-yeah man, his LaRouche is dense!


don't you LaRouche me noob!
by erik ud March 11, 2005
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verb. To talk or write in a nonsensical manner.
"yo dogg what you brailling about?"
by erik ud March 10, 2005
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To be acting in a homo-curious way, but among peers who have deducted the hetero-sexual lifestyle of the person in question. The word is a marginal insult generally used among friends.
Hey man, that pink shizzle is plus, but whatever.
by erik ud March 20, 2005
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