5 definitions by el mas grande

In a man's case, having a nut allergy is to be homophobic. In contrast, a woman with a nut allergy is a lesbian.
1. Whats Nick's problem with Sebastian getting all touchy feely?

Dunno, he must have a nut allergy.

2. "Does she want to go to the prom with me?"

Nah, she can't cos of her nut allergy.
by el mas grande July 23, 2008
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The little squares of food, invariably made of carrot, that always appear in your chunder or vom.
"We were trekking in the Andes, and the sun was just rising and glinting off the snow, creating this sort of ethereal haze, and I really got a sense of the awesome power of nature and the insignificance of man... and then I just chundered everywhere, all over the snow, I was like, have that nature, 1-0, made a little Vomcano, all the little chunklets froze, amazing."
by el mas grande March 22, 2010
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The result of chundering in snow, where the vom melts a small crater, creating a small volcano shaped hole. Made famous by the Unexpected Items Youtube video 'Gap Yah'.
"We were trekking in the Andes, and the sun was just rising and glinting off the snow, creating this sort of ethereal haze, and I really got a sense of the awesome power of nature and the insignificance of man... and then I just chundered everywhere, all over the snow, I was like, have that nature, 1-0, made a little Vomcano, all the little chunklets froze, amazing."
by el mas grande March 22, 2010
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The word used by toffs to refer to the country Peru. Immortalised by the Unexpected Items Youtube video 'Gap Yah'.
"That really reminds me of this time on my Gap Yah I was in South America, in Perah... Perah... no Perah darling, Perah..., umm Peru? Oh yah Perah Perah!!!"
by el mas grande March 22, 2010
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The name given to the year or often a longer period of time that posh kids spend traveling the world using daddies money after leaving their expensive private school. Immortalised by the quality Unexpected Items Youtube video mocking the higher classes of society.
"Oh no, Tarquin, I can't come shopping on the King's road today, yeah, cos I'm literally on Burma, yah, I'm on my Gap Yah at the moment."

"I cant believe you said that, cos that really reminds me of this time on my Gap Yah, yah, I was in Africa, in Tanzania."

"It's funny you should say that cos it really reminds me of this time now, yah, cos I'm still on my Gap Yah, yah, I'm in Burma on this kind of spiritual, cultural, political exchange thing."
by el mas grande March 22, 2010
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