2 definitions by dubsquid

In a corporate setting, when someone harvests the fruits of your labor(s); maliciously taking stock of someone else's hardwork.
Joe: So how was your presentation?

John: Not good. Fred's group did a reaport of my audit findings last week.
by dubsquid August 24, 2009
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adjective - a state of being oblivious to anything else while chatting online via desktop or mobile devices; a state or condition of seeming to be suspended in animation or in a trance-like, stupored state; in a daze as if in state of mental numbness while chatting electronically.
John : So how did your blind date go last night?
Bart : It started out okay during dinner but when she got a text message from her girlfriends by dessert, she went chatatonic on me.
by dubsquid July 10, 2009
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