7 definitions by dreadsocks

An acronym contained within an acronym and which is the same as the original acronym.
GNU is an acronym for "GNU's Not Unix." When the derivative acronym is expanded, the original acronym is repeated indefinitely. (Computer and Information Science)

"Yeah, and then he says to me, 'Did you notice that "GNU" is a recursive parsonym?'" "Like I give a f***." "What a flake."
by dreadsocks November 18, 2007
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An acronym contained within an acronym and which is the same as the original acronym.
GNU is an acronym for "GNU's Not Unix." When the derivative acronym is expanded, the original acronym is repeated indefinitely. (Computer and Information Science)

"Yeah, and then he says to me, 'Did you notice that "GNU" is a recursive parsonym?'" "Like I give a f***." "What a flake."
by dreadsocks November 18, 2007
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An acronym contained within an acronym.
Example 1: USB is an acronym for "Universal Serial Bus." Bus is an acronym for "Bidirectional universal switch." Bus is a parsonym of USB. (Computer and Information Science)

Example 2: THIS is an acronym for "Tanzania HIV Indicator Survey." HIV is an acronym for "Human Immunodeficiency Virus." HIV is a parsonym of THIS. (Science and Medicine)

Example 3: TAPS is an acronym for "TERCOM Aircraft Positioning System." TERCOM is an acronym for "Terrain Comparison." TERCOM is a parsonym of TAPS. (Military and Government)

"Yeah, and then he says to me, 'Did you notice that "Bus" is a parsonym of USB?'" "Like I give a f***." "What a flake."
by dreadsocks November 18, 2007
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An acronym contained within an acronym.
In electronics parlance, USB is an acronym for Universal Serial Bus. Bus is an acronym for Bidirectional universal switch. In this instance, Bus is a parsonym of USB.
by dreadsocks November 18, 2007
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An unsettled, desultory gay person who moves from place to place. A gay vagabond.
He told me that his itinerary as a gay travel nurse made him feel like a real fagabond.
by dreadsocks April 19, 2006
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Someone disposed to wearing his low-riders at knee level thus completely revealing both underwear and outerwear.
I wonder if that bag of pants is wearing a thong?
by dreadsocks July 23, 2005
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"I don't feel nothin'. You been shag-bagged buddy."
by dreadsocks April 23, 2010
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