38 definitions by dk

Another way of saying iPod Touch. Apple's latest generation of the iPod.
Did you jailbreak your iPot yet?
by dk January 12, 2008
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Used to describe a large amount of bed covers on one bed, usually providing a comfortable experience.
Oh man check out this awesome duvage!
by dk February 2, 2004
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A verb of gay. used as replacement of "you are doing something gay."
"Brendon you are acting very giggy today"

You're playing with balloons. Thats so giggy.
by dk June 4, 2004
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A large gathering of males, drinking and doing nothing.
"Dude, i went to jk's and it was a total bronado. No girls ANYWHERE!"
by dk July 11, 2008
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A botle of cheep wine used as a butt plug.
Eb was farting alote and we told him to put a kolles up his ass.
by dk April 6, 2005
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The act of consuming soup.
I ate the bagel,
I drank the milk,
I snorped the soup.
by dk March 20, 2005
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let's go rig some bud.
by dk January 20, 2005
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