11 definitions by desuforeverlulz

Mouseville is a tourist attraction in Tallahassee, Florida where Eduard "Del" Delacroix's mouse, Mr. Jingles, was going to be taken to live out the remainder of its years. Visitors pay a dime apiece, two cents for the kids. Inside the tent they got this mouse city made out of old boxes and toilet paper rolls, little windows so you can look in. They got the Mouseville All-Star Circus. There's mice that swing on trapeze. Mice that roll barrels. Mice that stack coins.
Mouseville is a city in Florida.
by desuforeverlulz February 20, 2012
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The belief that online videogames are intrinsically pointless other than for perhaps better reflexes, if one is also not an existential nihilist.
Are you on facebook?
No, I had to delete my facebook.
Because I got addicted to farmville.
I know little about it, but it's a fake farm.
It doesn't feel fake Jimmy.

internet nihilism
by desuforeverlulz January 26, 2013
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A bastardization of the word sawbuck, which usually refers to a $10 bag of marijuana.
"Here's $30, toss me three sawbs."
by desuforeverlulz July 13, 2012
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