4 definitions by davidn

Total idiot that supporters claim is the next "Ronald Reagan". The only thing Fred Thompson and Ronald Reagan have in common is that they were both male actors, and both referred to that country East of Europe as "The Soviet Union" (but at least with Reagan in the 1980's, it actually was The Soviet Union).

Fred Thompson was instrumental in passage of the Mccain-Feingold Law restricting free speech. Fred Thompson puts audiences to sleep, and has no understanding of current events.

He waffles on protecting the 2nd amendment, and was a Washington Lobbyist for a pro-abortion group. (When asked about this, he lied claiming no ties, and when presented with documented proof, he claimed he had "no recollection").

His claim to fame isn't anything he did as a US Senator. Rather as a bit actor on NBC's Law and Order. I don't think Fred Thompson's heart is in the race for President, as he has no enthusiasm, and his speeches are lackluster. It's probably more his trophy wife Jeri who is pushing his Presidential bid.
Fred Thompson has no grasp of the issues, and when asked about issues, he uses vague generalities that leave you scratching your head.
by davidn October 11, 2007
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Quick Response Team. Referenced in some of David Simon's masterpieces, like "The Wire" and "Homicide". Basically it's another name for the swat team.
I need QRT to take down Barksdale's main stashhouse.
by davidn October 4, 2010
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According to an interview Stephen Colbert gave on 60 minutes, he defined it this way:

"Truthiness is what you want the facts to be, as opposed to what the facts are. What feels like the right answer, as opposed to what reality will support."
On "The Word" Colbert's example of Truthiness was: If you think about The War in Iraq, maybe there a few missing pieces to the rationale for war, but doesn’t taking Saddam out "feel" like the right thing?
by davidn September 7, 2006
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"Dialed Number Recorder". Referenced frequently in HBO's "The Wire", when the cops are talking about getting phone wiretaps on their targets. It records the phone calls that are intercepted.
Get me a DNR on Stringer Bell's cell phone so I can listen to that fucker's calls.
by davidn April 17, 2007
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