2 definitions by crumster

When a bunch of people sit around talking about the Apps they like on their tablet devices. As schools roll out tablet devices, this helps everyone share what they are doing and get good ideas for what Apps to use on them. Ideally, wine and beer are consumed during this discussion.
Let's get together for an Appy Hour this Wednesday to talk about the new Apps you are using in class for Google Mail and Docs.

I really like this new App I found. Let's setup an Appy Hour to talk to all the other teachers about it.
by crumster December 8, 2012
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Someone who holds Apple in high esteem. The kind of person that watches all the keynote speeches, immediately downloads the latest updates, stands in line to buy the latest products, puts Apple stickers in the rear car window, and is totally enamored of all things Apple.
I'm the biggest Applephile I know. I just watched the latest Apple keynote address and can't wait to sleep out to be one of the first people to spend my whole paycheck to buy the newest model of everything that Apple is releasing!
by crumster October 25, 2013
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