22 definitions by cosmic user

A unit of measure invented by Type O Negative fans. One peter equals exactly two meters, which is almost the exact height of Type O's leader Peter Steele, who unfortunately died too soon.
The height of our Christmas tree is about a peter tall. If you look outside, you'll see the moon, located nearly 200 million peters away from Earth.
by cosmic user December 10, 2019
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Looks like a juice in a bottle. Oh fuck, there's alcohol in them, well, lots of it, and it's called whiskey! We could call it fuckjuice. Everybody at the bar table are getting fuckjuice poured into the same type of glass used for drinking apple juice.
by cosmic user January 24, 2020
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A fusion genre of folk music and soul music, or in other words a mix of R&B, gospel and jazz with the addition of folk instruments.
If you want to introduce to solk music, listen to Zero 7 , which has plenty of it.
by cosmic user September 2, 2017
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The word comes from the belief that drinking beer that looks like a tea would make them say 'fuck' more readily.
My brother always drink fuckteas while playing pool with me.
by cosmic user August 30, 2017
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A quicker way of saying May 18 by merging consecutive rhymes into one.
Tina Fey, George Strait, and Reggie Jackson celebrate birthdays on Mayteenth.
by cosmic user January 19, 2019
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Annoying and unneeded ads that can dislikefully slow down/freeze up the webpage, popping up, or unwillingly load another webpage.
It's constantly been loading adshit while answering trivia questions on Topix, resulting in a loud CPU fan while slowing down the webpage.
by cosmic user August 30, 2017
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1) To enjoy the song.
2) To feel emotional energy from listening to a very good song.
3) To have fun socially while listening to music.
4) To have a good time.

The term was taken from the Soulfly song "Flyhigh" where it gives me energy to flap my wings and fly.
I'm flying high with my brother while playing pool! Other times though, I flyhigh myself while working on my computer with music playing. Going into the beyond, people are flying high in the party!
by cosmic user December 16, 2018
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