13 definitions by chickewingzbruh

An faggot, an fagot, or an fagit is how you call some one a faggot in Dolan speak.
Dolan Duk: spodermen ur such an faggot/an fagot/an fagit

Spodermen: dolan pls...
by chickewingzbruh February 16, 2017
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Large, husky hands(Usually seen on and associated with manly, hard working men) that theoretically could be used to beat up goobers/goobs, a term that sometimes denotes a dorky and not very physically imposing guy. Also see, sausage fingers. In addition, people with goober beaters also often have thick wrists and forearms and just overall large proportions.
Eugene: "Jerry caught me fucking his girl last night and slapped me in the face with his large goober beaters. I nearly flew through the window and he shattered my jaw."
by chickewingzbruh May 21, 2019
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"My niggles been hustlin tryna make him sumthin..."

"I said that I'mma ride foh my muh fuckin niggles."

"My niggles my niggles."

"My niggle we eatin, my niggle get a plate."
by chickewingzbruh February 3, 2017
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First of all, contrary to what mumble rappers and hardcore fans of mumble rappers would like you to believe, mumble rap is real. And in most cases, it's simply not okay. You know you are listening to Mumble rap if you run into the following:

1. You cannot understand what the fuck they are saying.
2. You can to some degree but are still concerned about their intelligence and/or speech capabilities.
3. You cannot understand what the fuck they are saying.
4. It's impossible to sing along short of humming or speaking complete gibberish yourself.
5. You cannot understand what the fuck they are saying.

When the 5 main tell-tell signs above are stressed, they are not referring to a couple of words you may have had trouble hearing correctly and mistake for something else. You cannot, and I mean CANNOT understand the entirety of the song WITHOUT looking up the lyrics. You always have to look up the lyrics of any song, but with most NORMAL songs, you have guesses of what is actually said in full. With Mumble Rap, you have ABSOLUTELY, NO FUCKING IDEA, AT ALL, of what is actually said. Even if you have special linguist powers and do guess some of the words, you'll most likely be surprised to find out there are 4 or 5 words in the hook that you did not even pick up on, let alone make sense out of. And you'll likely find even more during verses. In fact, the chances of you having a clue of what is said at all during a verse are very very very low. That's how bad Mumble Rap is.
Examples of Mumble Rappers include: Young Thug(Worst case of this motherfucker is the song "Lifestyle"), Desiigner(Goddammit, he is the epitome example of everything written above), Future(To a lesser, but still concerning degree than the two aforementioned)

Other rappers who are not as bad as the three above(Usually, that is) but still have their fair share of problems include: Lil Yachty, Lil Uzi Vert, and Quavo from Migos(And many many more)
by chickewingzbruh August 3, 2017
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An edgy person is some one who typically believes they hold and/or understand the hard truth of life. They are NOT: People who think they are cooler than everyone(See: Douchebag), although they may believe they are at a higher class than most people due to their views, thus making them somewhat of douchebags anyway. These people are often synonymously referred to as nihilists, and while nihilists do fit the basic definition of edgy people, you do NOT have to be a nihilist or have nihilistic views to be edgy. Edgy people are often mistakened for teens attempting to look cooler or impressive in others eyes, but this is generally not the case. While edgy people are more likely to be teens and young adults, their reasoning for their edgy behavior is generally to appear different.

Etymology: The term "Edgy" may refer to edgy people's personalities that may come off as "living on the edge", mainly due to their dark and sometimes even depressive outlooks.
An edgy person often has the following attributes:

1. They think they understand everything or something specific about something, usually life or it's experiences. Their "understanding" generally takes a dark or "hardcore" turn.

2. They may do over the top, "hardcore" things. Unlike your typical dumb teen, they do not do these things to look cool, but will often do these things for the exact opposite, strongly hoping to appear "different" or more enlightened to others.

3. They'll typically appeal to equally as edgy media and may develop their edginess from such media and media figures. Edgy media and media figures include but are not limited to: XXXTentacion, Tyler the Creator, Rick and Morty etc etc

Some social groups often become inadvertently edgy such as Feminism and the LGBT community(Mainly with the "gender" sect of the movement.)
by chickewingzbruh October 8, 2017
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A Vietnamese man with an unfortunate name. His brother is Phuc Yu Tu, and his cousin is Suc Mai Dic.
Duc Quan Thic Dic, Phuc Yu Tu, and Suc Mai Dic, were all close friends with the dearly departed Captain Sum Ting Wong, Wi Tu Lo, Ho Lee Fuk, & Bang Ding Ow.
by chickewingzbruh April 28, 2017
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