4 definitions by cheesepuff

A different spelling of the common name Ellie, Ellis are usually quiet, smart witted, funny, and loyal. P.s. Ellys usually got a nice booty too
"Elly is so quiet!"
"i know but she's really nice once you get to know her"
by cheesepuff January 3, 2017
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Excessive Kissing Disorder. When someone kisses you too much to the point where its annoying.
1:What happened to your man?
2:Nah he had EKD, annoying af
by cheesepuff June 11, 2016
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The dumbest bitch you will ever meet
person:Hey did you hangout with Megan?
other person:nah she told me I had a mental illness so we're not talking
Person: damn what a bitch
by cheesepuff March 18, 2016
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