5 definitions by catsaresmarterthanraccoons

The awkward silence that happens after you’ve told a new co-worker that you had a prophetic dream about them but instead of thinking of it as a bonding experience they just think you’re weird and stalky. Can also refer to the awkwardness that keeps happening in the office for the next few years you work there.
If you find yourself in a twabble, whatever you do, don't go on to explain how you've dreamed about the futures of all of your coworkers and so this is nothing special.
by catsaresmarterthanraccoons September 11, 2021
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any implement you use to fend off the demon that you know is coming for the part of your foot that’s hanging out from underneath the blanket or over the edge of the bed
I used to use a baseball bat as a nobsquasher until I accidentally hit my shin, but the holy water is actually working better, so all good.
by catsaresmarterthanraccoons September 11, 2021
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the vacuous feeling you get when you’ve just felt something behind you and now it’s gone.
The whole time we've been here, I've felt I was being watched, until just now...I don't know if this wraithalaith is a relief, or just confirmation that something was watching me!
by catsaresmarterthanraccoons September 11, 2021
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the vacuous feeling you get when you’ve just felt something behind you and now it’s gone.
The whole time we've been here, I've felt I was being watched, until just now...I don't know if this wraithalaith is a relief, or just confirmation that something was watching me!
by catsaresmarterthanraccoons September 11, 2021
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the vacuous feeling you get when you’ve just felt something behind you and now it’s gone.
The whole time I've been here, I've felt like I was being watched, until now...I don't know if this wraithalaith is a relief or just confirmation that something was watching me all along!
by catsaresmarterthanraccoons September 11, 2021
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