3 definitions by canny conservative

Ultra Straight people are essentially just straight people who do not have sex. They only prefer to masturbate with themselves (has to be of their own hand and body)
Person #1: I identify as Super Straight

Person #2: Doesn't matter you won't get laid anyways

Person #1: You must be confused, I am Super Straight, not Ultra Straight. You're talking about the wrong sexual orientation and the fact you would assume that I am ultra-straight offends me.
by canny conservative March 11, 2021
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A racist group of people (Ku Klux Klan) who support white supremacy. It was recently marked under President Donald Trump as a terrorist group. This group was started by the democratic party, this makes sense because the founding fathers of the democratic party were white slave owners, Andrew Jackson, and Martin Van Buren. Republicans were started as the anti-slavery party yet most uneducated people who don't know their history will call them racists usually because their argument has no more points left.
Karen #1: No, Trump is not good, he is racist!

Karen #2: Trump is racist he made the KKK a terrorist organization!

Bob: Wait who is the one who is racist here? Joe Biden gave a funeral euology for a chapter leader of the KKK. Trump wants to invest 500 billion dollars in black communities and passed prison reform and funds HBCUs and created the lowest black unemployment rate ever. I think you Karens need to get #educucated (said by a black person)
by canny conservative October 26, 2020
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