3 definitions by butstilltho

when a brass player in a marching band drops their mouth piece and another marcher that witnesses this says "quarter turn"
*Marches set*
*does aggressive visual*

*mouthpiece falls off*
*Woodwind marcher*

"quarter turn hehe"

*me mumbling*
"u fuking kike"
by butstilltho October 30, 2017
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a black person who's personality is white, dresses white, eats, drinks, and talks white.
"Jesus fucking Christ Gerald look at Malik."
"Typical Nigger Cracker"

*Malik is wearing holister skinny jeans and a holister jacket like a white boi*
*malik also has starbucks iced coffe*

*also tried to date that white chick but got friendzoned.*
by butstilltho October 30, 2017
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a musilum woman who wears a hijab in public
Cop 1: You see that curtain head over there?
Cop 2: Is that a question?
Cop 1: lmao no
Cop 2: Yeah im not trying to get blown up 2 day tho

Cop 1: k
by butstilltho October 30, 2017
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