14 definitions by brownwings

dinner party

When three or more people, usually but not necessarily a mixed group, lie in a circle on the floor or in bed, and each eats out/sucks off the person on one side of him/her, while getting eaten out/sucked off by the person on the other side of him/her.
Josh and Karen invited Kiersten and me over for a small dinner party Saturday night. Great time.
by brownwings April 7, 2011
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Someone who is getting more than you are, thereby making you envious of him/her.
My roommate Jill is a promiscuous slut.
by brownwings July 3, 2011
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adjective used by an envious person to criticize someone who is getting more sex than he/she is.
My roommate Brittany is such a promiscuous slut. She hooks up with a different guy every weekend. I've only been able to do it twice.
by brownwings May 31, 2011
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pig culture

The world of corporate America, with all its lying, cheating, stealing, doublespeak, doubledealing, throat cutting, back stabbing, hypocrisy and the like.
John used to be a decent guy, but now he has totally bought into the pig culture.
by brownwings April 2, 2011
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unlucky night

A night in which a guy or chick is looking to hook up but the opportunity doesn't present itself, for one reason or another.
I was dying to hook up last night, and tried all the usual places but nobody decent was available. What an unlucky night.
by brownwings May 2, 2011
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Injection of fluid via a lubed tube into the rectum for the purpose of cleaning out any remaining debris from one's last dump.
Available over the counter in disposable units at most drug stores.
Ideally, one administers an enema to his/her partner in preparation for butt sex or ass eating.
I gave Cecile an enema last night, then took her up the poop chute.
by brownwings April 7, 2011
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The little patch of skin between the genitalia and the anus. Was at one time gender neutral, though is now more used in reference to the female, having been replaced by "chode" for the male.
I ate her pussy, he taint and her asshole, in that order.
by brownwings March 15, 2011
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