4 definitions by brobiwanzenobi

A person who is not appreciative of benefits received that should otherwise be.
Jim was rebuked incessantly for being a little ungrate.
by brobiwanzenobi June 2, 2021
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To bum rush an apparently resentful, angry, or antisocial individual and show them acts of love, kindness and unconditional acceptance like hugs or just simply giving them attention and a recognition of their existence without the expectation of anything in return or reciprocation of any kind.
Friend: My boss is such an asshole! He is always yelling at everyone for no reason.
Me: Sounds like he has some personal issues...maybe he just needs a love swarm.
by brobiwanzenobi April 29, 2019
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The realm of availability where something can be bought. This naturally includes online or IRL.
Dude, is the new Solo movie in the consumerverse yet?
Yeah! We can buy it on Amazon now!
by brobiwanzenobi November 24, 2018
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To prevent someone or something from being found or searched for by removing or blocking them at the search engine level.
Person 1: What happened to Alex Jones? I can't find anything on him.

Person 2: Oh, didn't you hear? Every search engine had to desearch him.
by brobiwanzenobi March 14, 2019
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